Love Became Human/ I Offer My life For You
(Man Be Ghorbanat Beram)
Song 1: Love Became Human
Verse: 1
Esgh--- enson shodo dar
awlame maw
ghoghaw should
Esgh--- mardon shodo dar de
mano maw
Dar man should
Rumi: when I first found your love I….
Gave up my soul, heart, my eyes
Verse 2:
Esgh--- surat begerefto
saro ruyash
esgh--- ghalmat begerefto
be saleeb
bawlaw should
Translation: (Kam’s poem)
Love became human , brought chaos and turned our world around
Love became human and washed away our pain and suffering
Love begot a face and we beat that face
Love begot stature and was lifted up to the cross
Song 2-(I offer my life for You) Man Be Ghorbanat Beram
Verse 1:
Har che daram az toh daram
Man be ghorbanat beram
Surateh mohat toh yaram
Man be ghorbanat beram
Ruyeh mohat man bedeedam
Man be ghorbanat beram
Jomeh hastee ra chesheedam
Man be ghorbanat beram
Verse 2:
Jomeh talkhee ra chesheedee
Man be ghorbanat beram
Margeh man ra toh khareedee
Man be ghorbanat beram
Ruyeh mohat man bedeedam
Man be ghorbanat beram
Jomeh Hastee ra chesheedam
Man be ghorbanat beram
Verse 1:
Everything I have, I have it from You
I offer my life for You
Your face is my companion
I offer my life for You
Because I have seen Your face
I offer my life for You
I have drank the cup of life
I offer my life for You
Verse 2:
You drank that bitter cup
I offer my life for You
You bought my death
I offer my life for You
Because I have seen Your face
I offer my life for You
I have drank the cup of life
I offer my life for You
Kamran and Suzy Yaraei