The Story of A Sound that is Shaping a Revival
A Circle of Inspiration
When I first met Kamran’s parents in the Dubai airport in 2012, his mother ran around me in circles crying and saying, “De Terra Dur,” or “Doret Beghardam- basically meaning ‘I am so excited to see you, I want to run around you in circles!’ Mama Jon was so excited to meet me and this was her natural response. This just also happened to be my own natural response when I first met Jesus and danced right into the Fathers love. I danced and whirled for weeks when God’s tornado of love captured my whole being. Actually- I have never stopped.
I knew this would be our first Farsi worship song, ‘Doret Beghardam, Masih,’- ‘I Want To Run Around You, Jesus.’ Released through Satellite TV programming, it quickly became a favorite in Iran and other Farsi speaking areas in the Middle East. Check out the video by Eluid Ramirez and Fearless Flyer.
East Meets West Music
For many years I’ve been enormously blessed to have been a part of mentoring and encouraging creative worshipers worldwide. Many of these have become life-long friends and this is the fuel that burned in our hearts to create this gorgeous sound. For the first 7 songs, We huddled up in our living room for several days with our great friends, Stephen Roach and Luke Skaggs, who brought their indigenous instruments such as the rebab, the santoor, the ngoni, and more. In between Persian feasts, we shaped Kamran’s poems and some Rumi quotes into a fresh new sound and East Meets West was born! With the help of Don Potter, Cassie Campbell, Michael Pritchard, William Johnson, Mohammad Golami and Stephen Price-the vision came to life. Filmmakers Eluid Ramirez and Fearless Flyer created, filmed and edited the first 7 videos. We are forever indebted to these two amazing South American servants.
Thank you for taking this journey with us. People of all ages are loving the multi-language songs and videos as the testimonies continue to roll in from Iran as well as US and many other countries! Here are a few of our favorites:
“This music brought me back to my childhood. We are eternally grateful for all your hard work. My husband is a religious Muslim. Every time I would watch Persian worship music..."

“Thank you so much for your wonderful music. I have a 6 yr old son who has autism and he is in love with your music videos. He plays them constantly."
“This sound is filled with blessings and power and full of Holy Spirit! I received many blessings from this worship music. I shared it with all of my friends and groups."
As we move forward, we join other life-long friends to continue on this musical journey to bless the Middle East. Check back in for new releases of Middle Eastern pop worship songs with producer Joel Khouri.
Coming soon: Arabic and other languages! Our vision for this fresh sound reaches farther into the Middle East to bring freedom and joy to the hearts of other Muslims cultures. We believe this will be the start of a sound that shapes many more revival harvest fields.