Knowing and Showing God's Heart to the Middle East

Exciting Updates

Want to know more about what we're up to this month? We have some really exciting updates to share with you. Check out our newsletter by clicking below!

Bringing the gospel to the Muslim World
Empowering Persecuted Christians in the Middle East
Discipleship Training for Underground Church Leaders

Reaching the Muslim world with the gospel is difficult

Sadly, closed government systems deflect the gospel from reaching millions of Muslims. Jesus died to give freedom and joy to the people of the Middle East!

Together we can bring the gospel to the fastest growing church in the world, Iran!

Through Satellite TV programing, we can reach beyond government censorship and beam the gospel into millions of homes. 

Bringing Hope to the Muslim World

Through our programs, Iranian Muslims encounter the true God of love and freedom. With 8-10 million daily viewers- we are seeing thousands of Muslims transformed by the gospel.

Church Leaders Are Empowered

Through our zoom meetings, mission trips and producing relevant books and materials,  we serve the underground church leaders.

Discipleship Training

We create on-line university discipleship training programs for the young underground church.

Meet Kamran and Suzy Yaraei

We are honored to bring the message of hope to the people of Iran, Kamran’s home country

How You Can Help!

Make a difference by becoming a vital member of our partner family for the salvation of more Muslim families!

Bring Hope to Muslim Families
See the Middle East Transformed by the Gospel


Here are some remarkable stories of transformed lives through our TV programming. 


“Suzy’s music set us free to dancing and rejoicing in God’s love for us. Which is the opposite of fear and control we usually feel in our country.”


~for security purposes

“I had a very tough childhood and through watching these series, (‘Healing the Heart of the Children’), the Lord is speaking to my heart and healing me from my abusive past.”


“I was devastated and lost in my misery until I started watching your programs. You might not know what you are doing for forgotten people like us in Iran, but you are bringing hope, light and life into our lives.”

Three Reasons to Support Iranian Christianity

Three Reasons to Support Iranian Christianity

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